TA : Prototipe Sistem Pencatat Tinggi Hewan Ternak Menggunakan Mobile Platform Android Melalui Komunikasi Bluetooth

Adamson, David (2017) TA : Prototipe Sistem Pencatat Tinggi Hewan Ternak Menggunakan Mobile Platform Android Melalui Komunikasi Bluetooth. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya.

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In 2010 national large livestock population has increased. The number of animals can lead to complexity in monitoring the growth of livestock, so that all farmers need good data storage method. To overcome this, we need a simple application to use to record the progress of livestock. Smartphones that use the Android operating system is one tool that can record and store every development of livestock. Smartphone serves as the record information from livestock. The data obtained will be stored in a database. Data taken by Smartphone obtained from an ultrasonic sensor to get high scores of livestock. With the use of smartphones, it can produce applications that can simplify the measurement process livestock. Error level produced is very small, seemingly out of reach 0.07753 RMSE values so it can run as a result of the high recorder animals.

Export Record

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: David Adamson (10410200078)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Prototype Registration, Android, Ping Sensor
Dewey Decimal Classification: 600 – Technology > 630 Agriculture > 636 Animal husbandry
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi dan Informatika > S1 Teknik Komputer
Depositing User: Lidya Rosiana
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2017 09:24
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2017 09:24
URI: http://repository.dinamika.ac.id/id/eprint/2257

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