TA : Pembuatan Video Pariwisata Kabupaten Pacitan Bergenre Mockumentary Laporan Perjalanan dengan Judul Hidden Paradise

Astuti, Yohana Dwi (2013) TA : Pembuatan Video Pariwisata Kabupaten Pacitan Bergenre Mockumentary Laporan Perjalanan dengan Judul Hidden Paradise. Undergraduate thesis, STIKOM Surabaya.

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Objectives to be achieved in making this final work is to create a video Pacitan tourism. Video tourism mockumentary genre trip report containing information about the existing natural tourist destination in Pacitan. Pacitan there are many natural attractions that could be developed. Nature that have high potential to attract foreign and domestic tourists are unique ancient caves, beaches, and warm baths. With a variety of tourism potential that has been mentioned, Pacitan should have a lot of tourists. So far tourist who stopped to Pacitan not as other cities. This is because Pacitan still less in terms of promotion of Tourism. Media promotion brochures and stickers are not only alone but can vary its form, such as advertising in the form of a film or video. Video is the most informative publication, because the video is a publication medium that can convey the message textual, audio and visual. Video media capabilities in terms of conveying the message is quite extensive when compared with other publications such as radio or print. Video should have a unique identifier that value in order to attract viewers without prejudice informative value contained in the video. It allows to combine video used to introduce tourism with existing genre films such as documentaries trip report. Documentary trip report is the first documentation of the expert anthropological or ethnographic ethnologist. In the course of this film can address many of the most important things that light up, according to the message and style were made. Documentary trip reports can be in combination with some other genres like mockumentary. Based on the background mentioned above then made a video to promote tourism Pacitan be used as a final project and was given the title "Making video mockumentary genre Pacitan tourism trip report titled Hidden Paradise."

Export Record

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: Yohana Dwi Astuti (09510160017)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Video tourism, Pacitan, mockumentary, Trip reports
Dewey Decimal Classification: 700 – Arts & recreation > 770 Photography & photographs
Divisions: Fakultas Desain dan Industri Kreatif > D4 Produksi Film dan Televisi
Depositing User: Hayu Maulani Mahardika -- Magang
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2015 11:05
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2015 11:05
URI: http://repository.dinamika.ac.id/id/eprint/1217

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