LKP : Sistem Komputerisasi Parkir dengan Capture Gambar sebagai Pengenal Serta Penghitungan Progresif Terotomatisasi pada PT. Sinar Mas Teladan

Syahputra, Faris Rizqi (2014) LKP : Sistem Komputerisasi Parkir dengan Capture Gambar sebagai Pengenal Serta Penghitungan Progresif Terotomatisasi pada PT. Sinar Mas Teladan. Undergraduate thesis, Stikom Surabaya.

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PT. Sinar Mas Teladan is a company which is engaged in property. Parking system that applies in PT. Sinar Mas Teladan today, still use tickets as proof of parked vehicle and payment is made by cash. If the parked vehicles exceeds a predetermined time, a progressive cost will be charged and cost calculations are still done manually by looking at the parked vehicle hours of admission listed on the tickets. Parking security system at Wisma BII is considered weak in terms of security because it is not validate the image of drivers when the vehicle exit parking lot and inefficient in the calculation of progressive cost. To solve the problem above, three initial steps are carried out: observation, interviews, review of literature related to the existing problems in the company. Then, after passing through these three steps, then designed a computer-based information system called the "Computerized Parking System With Captured Image as Identification and Automated Calculation of the Progressive at PT. Sinar Mas Teladan Surabaya" Applications will save time or hours of admission when the vehicle enters the parking lot. This application can also check vehicles with certain plate number that got free parking because there is a database that stores data which plate number gets free vehicle parking fee. With this application, the operator can save vehicle hours of admission and driver's photo to increase parking security system via webcam mounted on entrance post into the database and can automatically calculate progressive cost performed by the system. This application can also generate reports; in the form of vehicles in and out reports, earnings reports, stickers reports, and fine reports quickly and accurately.

Export Record

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: Faris Rizqi Syahputra (11390100005)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Parking System, Parking, Webcams, Progressive
Dewey Decimal Classification: 300 – Social sciences > 380 Commerce, communications, transport
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi dan Informatika > D3 Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Agung P. W.
Date Deposited: 15 Oct 2015 08:49
Last Modified: 26 Apr 2020 11:17

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